Garnyk M.I., Vdovychenko M.V.
Today, more than ever, a young man needs really deep mathematical knowledge and practical skills in handling them.
The teaching of mathematics in general education and higher schools serves this purpose.. It is mathematics that develops logical thinking and creative abilities of a person, forms methods of optimal comprehension and research of urgent problems that arise in various fields of human activity.Almost every higher and secondary specialized educational institution in Ukraine annually publishes mathematics manuals to help applicants, designed to help them better master those sections of elementary mathematics, on which the study of a course of higher mathematics in a particular educational institution is based. In such textbooks, the dominant direction of the future specialty is traced, due attention is paid to the development of mathematical intuition.
This book contains materials that were used to compile entrance exams in mathematics for many universities. We sought to “rejuvenate” abiturientsky age of the child, that is, to begin to prepare for admission need from school for a few years. Therefore, knowledge of mathematics will be really deep and systematized, which will really facilitate the further passing of entrance exams. We hope everyone will find something interesting for themselves here – from teachers and students to schoolchildren who are fond of mathematics.